REQUEST QUOTE Fill out the information in the form below, one of our agents will get back to you as soon as possible. Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Contact Name *Company *E-Mail *Phone *AddressCountryCityState/ProvincePost ZipCodeOrder TypeNew OrderRepeat OrderRepeat with ChangesPrevious Job #Quantity *Width - Label SizeHeight - Label Size Corner Radius - Label SizeFacestock *3.0 Mil White Matte Paper2.7 Mil White Semi-Gloss Paper2.9 Mil White Matte Paper3.1 Mil White Semi-Gloss Paper3.2 Mil White Matte Paper3.3 Mil White Matte Paper2.6 Mil White Gloss Bopp2.6 Mil PP White Matte3.8 White Matte Polyethylene3.8 White Matte Polyethylene2.0 White Semi-Gloss Polyester2.0 White Gloss Polyester2.1 White Matte Polyester2.0 White Semi-Gloss Polyester2.0 White Gloss Polyester2.3 White Matte Polyester4.0 Mil White Flexible Vinyl6.0 Mil White Static Cling Vinyl6.0 Mil White Static Cling VinylOther (fill in box)Facestock (Other)LaminateNO LAMINATE0.8 Mil Clear Gloss Bopp Overlaminate1.0 Mil Clear Polyester Overlaminate1.1 Mil Clear Matte PolyesterAdhesiveNo AdhesivePermanentRemovableResealableTamper EvidentHigh TemperatureCold TempeartureHeat ActivatedWater ActivatedZones AdhesiveDeadened AdhesiveOtherNot SureQuantity Per Roll (Specify)Core SizeAdd the number in inchesInk Colors (CMYK - PMS Colors)Number of colorsLiner PerforationYesNoLabel Applied ByHandMachineNot SureRewind Direction#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8Application where this label will be used? (ex. metal tube, plastic flat component, etc. please be specific)Special InstructionsSubmit Name Email Message Send Message Contact (915)532-7131 2000 E Mills Ave El Paso, TX 79901 Monday to Friday | 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.